the Haus Journal


In this cultural moment, many of us find ourselves flooded with input—News, Social Media, Netflix, to name a few. Of course, not all of these content sources are good! Many of them traffic in fear, idleness, and comparison and have a malformative effect on us. 

We hope for the Haus Journal to be a source of interesting content created or curated by Bonhoeffer Haus family and friends. We will publish a few new pieces written by a variety of authors. We hope these essays, articles, and reviews have a formative effect on us as God’s image-bearers. We hope to explore the good, true, and beautiful in the world around us in ways that are, well...good, true, and beautiful! 


Sample Articles

Gospel Spiral - A Proposal

By Jesse Furey

Why I Still Read The Bible

by Rhys Bezzant

NIV - Nearly Inspired Version?

By Ryan Lytton

What is Culture?

By Jesse Furey

The Fermenting Life of Prayer

by Jesse Furey


by Rhys Bezzant

From Thick to Thin: Creating thin spaces in the home

by Craig Robinson

Missing Community: Bonhoeffer on Facing Loneliness

by Vince Oliveri

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